Tag Archives: God

Patience, My Friends

The old thought process was that God would see to all my needs if I were obedient to Him.


The new way of being is that when I am focused on loving God and desiring to love others, I will spiritually grow into the new creation God has planned from before time began.


The lesson for today is patience, my friends.

A New Heart


For those of you who check on how I am doing based on my poetry, etc….

Since last Wednesday, I have been experiencing a wonderful healing in my life. Over the weekend, some of my most pervasive fears were put to rest. I found out people love me for me, not for whether my family is society’s idea of perfect, whether I have problems, or whether I handle everything the way someone thinks it should be. I don’t know what the future holds, or if those things will change. But one thing I do know is this: When I love God with all my heart and allow the Almighty to love me back in the same way, my awareness of that love is with me always. The bitterness in me is dying, and the desire to want to love everyone in the most platonic but rich way is being born in me. This is the born-again moment, moment by moment in my life. This is how I know that it is not the experiences of my life that matter, but how I meet them, and with what part of myself I give service to them.


I am grateful for those who agree with me, for those who disagree with me, and for everyone whose lives (thank God) are too busy to be concerned about my rights or wrongs. That the big wheel keeps turning is assured, as too is the comfort in knowing that God holds me gently in the palm of His hand.

25 Things to Be Grateful For

Lokai notepad love
1. My daughter made a wonderful dinner.
2. My son helped with clean-up.
3. They took out the trashes.
4. My husband and the kids picked up stuff at the store.
5. I can lovingly give myself all the time I need to heal. I am a slave to no one in that regard.
6. The sun is shining.
7. I talked to a good friend today.
8. My cold/allergy symptoms are improving.
9. I did some creative work with colors and writings that helped me express my emotions and thoughts.
10. I see a light by which if I am able to lay a foundation for myself in what God is giving me, I will have a more peace-filled, spiritually authentic way of living, thinking, processing, being, and doing.
11. I see how some of the things I long to do in service may come out of the richness of this foundation and be done, not as avoidance of the issues in my life, but as fulfillment of a love because I am moving into the strength of peace already.
12. Even at my weakest states I can choose the things of life and living.
13. I have food in my house. I can shop online and pick up other necessities.
14. I can take every thought captive, even the ones that I have gotten used to thinking of as being helpful — the “pre-planner and fixer thoughts,” and place them lovingly behind the doors of God’s workings.
15. I can recognize at an earlier point when these types of thoughts are coming my way, and can start the process earlier.
16. I see this as a process of healthy detachment practice that I can experience with real-life situations without being unkind or uncaring.
17. I have lovely bracelet and necklace reminders from one of my beautiful friends that reminds me of her deep love and care for me.
18. I get to do what I love, which is to share music.
19. I get to be paid for the gift of this wonderful, Universal love-language sharing.
20. I can and do forgive myself for not having worked through my frustrations with others sooner.
21. Even as I forgive myself, I try to work toward a more all-encompassing way of loving.
22. I am thankful for the nice breeze coming in through the front door.
23. I am grateful for the sounds of the wood-chime and the distant train whistle.
24. I’m happy about the way I felt so sleepy after dinner and was able to nap.
25. Thank you, God, for pen and plenty of paper.

The +10 Mortal Combat Pelvic Girdle

Moonlight Symphony by Aenea-Jones

To take wing

I must detach from this leaf

I will never feel the wind in my hair

if I don’t lift off

(And it has been a Miracle)

The big-girl panties —

Forget that

I am wearing the +10 Mortal Combat Pelvic Girdle

There is nothing else that God needs to do

to prove to me that


And now that I know

I completely release All into God’s hands

and away from my focus

I embrace the middle way

The true authentic Loved Ones

are waiting in the wings to be unleashed

in Love

into my Life

I take and accept my Wholeness


The Bigger steps will be directed

by God in perfect timing

Only Trust and Love

When the World’s Upside Down



Where do you go

when the world’s upside down

when your very best friends

look upon you and frown

Who do you seek

when the going gets blue

who can you trust

who will always be true

Jesus is Who

He’s the one that makes new

He’ll never desert you

Sitting righteous in pew

He’ll always love hue

though your virtues are few

He’ll be your glory

when your shine becomes goo

He’ll battle old Saul

for the right for your soul

It’s Jesus who loves you

so roll, baby, roll.

The Day They Took God Away

Ian Birthday, drawings, me after ballet 097

The day they took God away

I saw him, hands tied



Where will my precious ones go to hear him

while he lies behind

prison walls

Then I realized

God could not be crushed



Some who had his words

Used them in love and hate

acceptance and rejection

unity and division

all in the name of being the ones who were right

the ones who would take the literal from the

God who speaks in story and symbol

I knocked on the door of the church

and as there were only unrepentant sinners

who could never possibly get it all right

we issued a decree against each other

and everyone went home

But even then

Even when we thought we had dispelled Him  in our hopelessness

God was everywhere

Title Match

Have you taken your seat

at the back of the bus

Did anyone say

that you don’t matter much

Did you picture their word

Did it run over you

Did somebody’s judgement leave you black and blue?

Did they fill your head with dreams

Then they told you a lie

Did they say “Follow me to the Sweet By and By”

Did you turn away from God to follow someone else’s pride

Just to be loved


I make all things new.

I can listen to you.

You’re different than I;

should we be the same?

I love the connection

that can say it sees

without having to make others

see it OUR way.

Somehow it is all relevant.

It is meaningful to know — We get the right message when


and practice the Loving of the “i” in the “I”

without conceit or offense.

You’ve learned to speak OUT

Now, move forward into communicating

the love for your being

that you wish to have for others.